20 January 2011

in love with love!

we are officially in love with love!  we decided to go there after we heard some good buzz about the place.  and guess what?  we just might have found our favorite new sweet spot.  love is a self-serve frozen yogurt shop that has so much unique flare.  the place is stinkin cute!  no two ways about it, the decor is modern and fun.  the frozen yogurt is delightful and the fun approach won us over.  at love, you can mix and match as many flavors and toppings as your heart desires.  no limits!?  no rules?!  nope!  at the end, they weigh your cup and charge a reasonable 39 cents an ounce. 

the locksmith is lactose-intolerant but he threw caution to the wind (or selectively blocked out that detail) and began agnogizing over what flavor to make himself sick on.  peppermint and chocolate?  vanilla (yawn)?  he opted to mix red velvet and chocolate malt together...then added vanilla at the last minute.  red velvet + chocolate malt = crazy delicious. ooh wait and there's more.  each flavor is either low-fat or non-fat!  say what??!!  yup, that's having your cake (red velvet) and eating it, too!  no need for confession after indulging.  they also rotate one sugar free and one non-dairy flavor each day.  who are these people?  do they know how many prayers they have answered? 

i opted for a single flavor but to spice it up i went with the taro flavor.  what's taro you say?  well, it doesn't predict the future but it is a polynesian tuber vegetable.  vegetable frozen yogurt?  that's a nutritionist's dream!  the label said the taro flavor was simple and mysterious. simple and mysterious?  sounds like a good man flavor to me!!  i was especially sold when a love employee told me it tasted like the left-over milk after a sweet cereal with a slight nutty taste.  and just to top it off, it had a beautiful light purple hue.   then came the topping bar!  i decided to go half healthy and half indulgent.  the locksmith?  well he was so enraptured by love that he put half the topping bar in his bowl.  he was all smiles. 

look at all of those options!  each station has 2 flavors with one nozzle in the middle to mix the two flavors.  

 i decided to mix the taro with  fruity pebbles and slivered almonds.  where has this been my whole life?

look at that handsome face.  he was like a kid in a candy store!  can't you just see it in his eyes?  pure joy.  and who can blame him?  he lived it up big with a huge waffle cone bowl, three flavors and countless toppings.  don't forget your lactose-intolerant honey.  honey??  hello?  he was in the zone after this picture was taken.  he could not be brought back to reality. 


empty bowls and full bellies. 

look at those fun pillows!  oh and my poor husband.  honey?!  are you ok? 

let's just say he is still recovering.  he thought all the flavors were non-dairy and sugar free.  he was so excited he wasn't listening when the nice lady was telling us about the options.  i told him just one flavor was non-dairy and it wasn't red velvet or chocolate malt...or vanilla.  none the less we still love love! 

1 comment:

  1. Can I please come next time?! That sounds like so much fun, veggie goodness I mean come on! Samuel would have a hay day!
