23 September 2011

pecan banana mufffins

before i begin this post i would just like to thank gwen stefani for spelling out banana in one of her songs.  each banana in this post, that has been correctly spelled, has been brought to you by hollaback girl...which i am not and that is not where this post is headed.

we could all use a little inspiration right?  sometimes we get stuck in a rut with our recipes.  let's help each other break the rut.  every friday  regualrly  semi-regularly when i can remember, i will post a category.  i will post a recipe for you and then you can leave a recipe from the same category in the comments.  what do you think?

this week the category is muffins.  who hates muffins.  no one.  so you all have one to share.  the recipe below is for pecan banana muffins but not just any muffins.  these are sugar free, grain free muffins and they are delicious.  i know you are skeptical but trust me on this one.  if you need to go ahead and toss a few of these bad boys in for good measure.

pecan butter muffins
adapted from jody's cashew butter muffins on pecan bread

1 cup chopped pecans
2 small bananas (with brown spots on skins, they will be sweeter)
2 eggs
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp pure vanilla extract

  • blend pecans in food processor until smooth, the consistence of peanut butter
  • add bananas and blend until smooth
  • add eggs and continue to blend
  • add baking soda, apple cider vinegar and vanilla extract blend once more
  • pour batter until paper lined muffin tins ( i usually get 9-10 muffins)
  • bake at 400 for 10-15 minutes

    now it's your turn!  leave a comment with your recipe and start baking the one's that inspire you.

    22 September 2011


    i continually have my eye on the sky.  i love to watch the dramatic and ever-changing ballet of clouds and colors.  recently on a road trip the sky was particularly striking and i was able to steal a quick photo.  i couldn't help but think of God's awesome handiwork not only in creation but in my own life.

    " the heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.  day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.  there is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.  in them He has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and like a strong man, runs its course with joy.  it's rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them, and there is nothing hidden from its heat. "
      psalm 19-1-6

    20 September 2011


     i am finally feeling better thanks to a new diet.   last friday, i had so much energy i was nearly manic, doing so many things that i just haven't been up for lately.  we made an scd-friendly date night meal, jb and i cleaned the house top to bottom, we bought new bedding and dog food (but not at this same place. don't worry, i wasn't that out of control), we looked at dining room furniture, we went to two different grocery stores, i made these delish muffins, we washed our new bedding and made the bed, we rearranged household items, we solved the problem of world hunger, then finally watched a movie, i began my crafting craze- all between 6 pm and 1 am.  i was a little out of control. 

    i think i wore jb out.  i asked him to help me vacuum and he said, " but i thought we were watching a movie".  i replied, "well we are but first i want to make muffins and while i do that can you please vacuum and move the table and put that rug under the table".  he just laughed...and then vacuumed.  when i finally settled down to watch a movie i started a quick project (that spawned 2 more craft projects the next day).

    the project i worked on was quick and easy.  i saw the idea for this project on a blog i enjoy reading.  did you know last friday, september 16, marks 100 days until christmas?  maybe you did know because stores are already putting out christmas merchandise. 

     i don't know about you but christmas always manages to sneak up on me.  not just in terms of presents and all the hoopla that can go with christmas but more about my own heart. each year i sit in christmas service and regret that the holiday season just happened and i wasn't as intentional as i hoped i would be the year before.  this year jb and i want our hearts to be ready for christmas and to enjoy what can be a hurried season.  so as we watched "the dilemma" on friday i made this paper chain to help us count down to christmas. it is my hope that it aides us in being more intentional.  each day as i see it hanging on our dining room wall it helps build my anticipation for the celebration of Christ coming in human flesh and the hope that that brings. 

    i did do something different to my chain though.  since i know jb rips the chain, i have scattered a few surprises in the links for him.  some are fun, "give your wife a kiss" and others have on them scripture for us to read together regarding christmas.  so today is day 95!  a perfect day for you to start your paper chain.

    14 September 2011

    the new coco plum shop

    i decided to open a little amazon shop here on the blog.  i want to be able to easily share the items i mention on the blog but mostly i want to post items that inspire me and that i am trying not to impluse buy myself.  so shop until you drop or just window shop, either way i am glad you stopped by to shop coco plum.

    01 September 2011


    we use the term clean laundry real loosely around our house....