09 January 2012

excuses be gone

i hope everyone is having a great new year so far.  i promised last week .  this time of year many people have a list full of resolutions for health...and a list full of excuses why they can't reach those goals a few weeks later.  this workout is for your fitness excuses.  no space, no time, no gym, no equipment...no problems.

it is true that there is nothing new under the sun and many of you have probably heard of this before but for those of you that haven't i hope you find this helpful.  no this is not a game of solitaire but you will need a deck of playing cards for this exercise routine. there are tons of different ways to use this play cards workout.  here is one way: pick a few of your favorite exercises, for example you could pick , burpees, push-ups, planks and .  next grab a deck of cards.  assign each exercise to a suit of cards.  

** if you are unsure of proper form, click on the name of the exercise below. **

for example:

  spades=burpees                    hearts = mountain climbers
diamonds = push-ups            clubs= air squats

face cards= 1 minutes rest (or if you are a real die hard pick another exercise)

the numbers on each card will represent how many reps you will do that exercise (depending on what exercise you pick this could represent minutes).  set a timer  (the timer on your microwave or cell phone will work just fine) for the length of time you want to work out, for example 20 minutes.  for the next 20 minutes you will flip over the cards one by one and complete whatever exercise pops up.  let’s say you turn over  a 10 of spades, you will complete 10 burpees.  you will then turn over another card and it’s a 8 of diamonds, you will complete 8 push-ups.  then you turn over a 3 of hearts, 3 reps of mountain climbers at your own pace.  next you turn over a king of diamonds, now is when you rest for one minute.  next, you turn over a 10 of clubs- 10 squats.

of course remember to consult with your physician before beginning any workout regime.  work at your own pace, rest when needed and use proper form.  if you have any questions please let me know.

so what do you think?  have you done this before?  do you have a different way?  i would love to hear what you have to say. 

05 January 2012

new year

new year's is always a good opportunity for me to reflect on the past year and intentionally resolve to pursue life in a stronger, healthier and most importantly God honoring way.   in college, some of my closest friends and i started a tradition.  every year before midnight we would take time to somberly read through these questions.  it was also a very vulnerable time of sharing and reflecting which can be a powerful thing among friends.   though it is far from what people may typically do on new year's eve, it always felt right to end and start the year reflecting on what is true and lasting in life and will matter into eternity.  sadly, this year my close friends and i were unable to carry out our tradition together.  busier lives, babies and moving to far away lands make those times simply college memories but sweet ones none the less.  

enough reminiscing let's move on to a recipe.  here is a great soup to take the edge off the winter.   one website i check in with weekly is health-bent.  i have yet to make a bad meal from this website and this one was a slam dunk for sure!   the pad thai is crazy delicious and don't even get me started on the lasagna.   this soup is filling and has such a great mix of flavors and textures.  you can't go wrong.  

so this week print out these questions and discuss them over dinner with a friend or with family.  the questions will cut you and leave you feeling a bit vulnerable too.  but that which is dead must be cut down to make room for growth and life but at least you will have some warm soup to comfort you.    

i'll be back soon for a workout for those of you that have health resolutions, all you will need is a timer and deck of cards.  interested yet?

happy eating and reflecting!